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  1. Hello, Is there a way to draw a medium voltage line in the 3D drawings? I need to implement a solar camp in this field but I need to find a way to simulate the losses that this MV line will cause. Imagem of the field below. Thanks in advance!
  2. I fixed it by shrinking the roof and applying a 180ยบ rotation, but is there any other way?
  3. Hello! I'm trying to extrude some sawtooth roof but PVSOL is extruding the roof to the wrong side. How can I invert it's position? I wish to extrude them facing south and not north! How can I fix this? Thanks
  4. Hello, So when I'm designing a build and I extrude the build it kinda mirrors the roof instead of applying the correct image. What I mean is: Before extruding: After extruding: Any fixes?
  5. User interface reasons! It would be easier to configure the inverters, but it is what it is. Thanks!
  6. Jimmy lets imagine 1 roof only, where I set two different PV arrays. What I want is to combine them to have only 1 PV array instead of 2. So as you can see in the picture I have 2 arrays of 20 modules in the same roof and I wish to combine them to have only one array of 40 modules.
  7. Hello Jimmy! Can you explain the way to do it? Thanks!
  8. Dear all, Does anyone knows if it is possible to combine multiple arrays of modules into one unique array? Like in the image below? I ask this because PV*Sol sets different amounts of modules on the same area and it's due to the grid it uses as reference. Can I somehow edit this grid? Because it is clear that this space fits 4 vertical arrays but when I fill it automatically PV*Sol set arrays of 4 and 3 because of this grid displacement. Like in the image below! Thank you, any help will be usefull!
  9. Hello all, I tried to search the solution for my question and although there are some topics about it, it is still not clear to me. When calculating the shadding losses, does PV*Sol only considers the losses for the shadded module or for the whole string (since it is also affected)? What I really want to know is if PV*Sol will present a value of annual production taking into consideration the losses on the strings or only in the modules? Hope I made myself clear Thanks in advance!
  10. Hello Jimmy, Thank you for your answer and support. Yes, this will work just fine. In reality the support structure would be different but this is what I was looking for!
  11. Dear all, I'm trying to learn how to design a carport but I have no clue on how to even start doing it. I searched in the forum related topics but with no sucess. Anyone has any tips? carport example: Thank you all!
  12. Hello Martin, I understand how you did, but I guess I wont be able to do this with a google satellite image right? Thank you
  13. Hello Martin, Thank you for your excellent answer! The second image was almost perfect. My last question is, can I set different hights on the parapet wall? Lets imagine the side of the gable roof and set 2 edges (1 and 2). Edge 1 should have 30cm of hight and edge 2 (near the ridge) should have 0 cm or the same hight as the ridge. Is this possible? Best Regards
  14. Well it's not a beautiful solution but I guess it's a very practical one for shadow analysis (which is what matters). So, thank you very much, I will try this. Hopefully a dev can provide a more easier solution eventually.
  15. Hello all, I have been trying to add a parapet wall into a gable roof. The main issue is that when I try to add a parapet wall into the gable roof, it only allows me to add the parapet wall to one side of the roof, when I select the other side the software removes the previous parapet wall to add a new one with the new roof side. What I want to achieve is to add a parapet wall into the entire roof. Also since it is a gable roof it has an angle which should ajust to the parapet wall. What I mean is that the gable roof has different hights so the distance of the roof to the parapet wall wont always be the same. So, how can I do this? Thanks in advance. Best Regards
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