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  1. Hi Martin, Thanks. Yes, moving the consumption from the surplus consumer to the grid feed for the relevant months, I did already, and that works out. In simple constellations that's sufficient. I guess the PV optimal BEV loading has priorization in the simulation before the surplus consumption, right? In case of a more complex surplus consumption model (with more than one consumer), a more granular surplus consumption simulation would be helpful. In our case for example we use that to additionally heat up electrically our heating buffers overday, in case the difference of buying to selling price of electricity is too high, to not need heating electricity in the night at all. Also for a case of more days blackout or extremely high energy buying prices, that could be helpful. Because a heating water buffer of 2.000 liters can store around 150kWh of energy, if you rise the temperature from 30 to 90 degrees for example. Even if not produced optimal via heating pump, it could make sense in some scenarios...
  2. Dear Jimmy, sorry for the time gap, didn't saw your post. Well the option with different consumption profiles I saw, but I want to use the "surplus consumption" in the dynamic way (so using just the unused energy I have from PV) just for a few months. But he is using the surplus consumption for all the year. The thing is - I just need it from September to April....
  3. Dear forum, I'm using PV SOL premium project, with a quite detailed configuration: 55kWp solar production, existing 15 minutes-smart metering profiles imported, bidirectional BEV, etc. Now in my project I have the possibility of using a thyristor controller with up to 16 kW power output for heating support, controlled in 5Watt-steps by a SmartMeter energy controller, just activating with the corresponded amount of energy overproduction by the PV. I've already found the surplus consumption possibility, but as the thyristor controller is used for heating support, in my total calulation results, I want to simulate, that the thyristor controller is just used between September and May, otherwise my PV feed will be calculated too low, especially in the summer months... Any idea?
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