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Everything posted by Wouter

  1. Very annoying indeed. Sometimes 90% of the automatically determined mounting surfaces are ok, only 1 is not, but you have to manually redraw them all if you still need that 1 surface as well.
  2. Hi Martin, ok. Thanks for the information. brgds, Wouter
  3. Hi Martin, that is already added in the first message I put here. Model in Revit, converting in 3dsmax. Please have a look and let me know why it doesn't work. Gr. Wouter
  4. Well, you have exactly the same issues as I have. As to the solution, the model is already a solid, as you can see in the CAD. I uploaded another simplified CAD, with the neighboring roof. You can see both solids are exactly the same type, only one does the job, the other one doesn't. 2objects.obj 2objects.dwg
  5. Hi Jimmy, I'm aware of the function. But we have a perfectly accurate 3D model already created, which should not need the manual draw tool. If I'd start from a 3D mesh from drone data or something like that, I'd use that tool. (Or in case the software doesn't do what it should, but then I'd rather find out why first, as I'm doing here.) Gr.
  6. Hi, yes, the function for sure isn't as straightforward as it should be. I've spent a lot of time in getting the models made and exported in a way that the function works in PVSol. Now I usually manage to make it work, just why this simple "one surface" model isn't working bugs me, cause it is exactly the same as others that do work, except for the dimensions. Plane tolerance is there to merge planes together, so shouldn't have any influence on this one.
  7. Hi, I cannot determine the mounting surfaces automatically on this block. I extracted it from a bigger roof drawing, since it somehow doesn't seem to work, while I can't see what is wrong with it, with other similar blocks it works fine. See also screenshot attached, the right roof works fine, while the left one (the .obj created from the .dwg attached) somehow doesn't work. Can you tell me what is going wrong here? Thanks, Wouter Only1block.dwg only 1block.obj
  8. Hi Martin, thanks for your answer. That's quite a bummer. After doing all the effort to create those obstructions and aligning them perfectly, I can't use it in PVSol. The polylines are there, why not just allowing me to make use of them in stead of losing accuracy retracing it manually? Select, right click, create barred area, problem solved? brgds, Wouter
  9. Hi, I created a nice 3d model, and exported it in .obj format. Imported in PVSol premium. There are a lot of obstructions on the roof (skylights, antennae, ...). how can I convert these objects automatically to barred areas? They are all defined as separate solids, and can be clicked as such, but to make a barred area I can only see the option to draw them manually? Is there a way to just click all those polygons/solids, or extract them automatically? Thanks, Wouter
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