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Daniel Lizarazo

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Daniel Lizarazo last won the day on February 26 2021

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. If anyone else have this problem, I fixed it by exporting the Blender model as an .obj file. Thank you.
  2. Good day, I'm currently using PVSol Premium 2021 (R4) trial version for a university assignment, and there's a hipped-roof building with a flat part at the top (as shown in the attachment) I need to model for the shading study, so I modeled it in Blender and I want to import it to PVSol. I deleted the camera and lighting objects and cleared all parentings, yet I still get the error message shown in the attachment, know what can I do to fix this? or how to extrude the roof of that building otherwise? I also attached the .blend file and the PVSol project. Thank you in advance for your help. Edificio objetivo.blend Examen On-Grid.pvprj
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