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  1. Hi, On the length of the DC-cable, what does 2x Go-and-return means? Does the cables between panels count? And is it the length as cable 1 in my drawing, or 1+2?
  2. Thanks for answering!
  3. Hi, Is it possible to add in my dimensions here? That means, choosing the distance that I want it too show? For example, I would like to know the distance shown in the green line.
  4. Sondre207

    Name on cable

    Hi, Is it possible to name the cable something? In addition to amount of metres and cross section.
  5. Sondre207


    Thanks for a quick reply. Is there any way I can center it to match the other house? So that it is in the center of the blue line and of the red line?
  6. Sondre207


    Hi, Is it possible to drag a dormer "out" of the roof by increasing its length? (as is shown in the google image below)
  7. Hi, I have trouble finding sunstyle (manufacturer - pvmodules) in the list. A friend of mine sent me this screenshot, showing that she has it in her list. Is there any reason that I do not have it? When I check for updates I get this message: Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi, I created new meterological data for Fagernes, which gave me quite a big difference from the one before (see images). I see that the one I created is from Meteonorm 8.1 and the old one is from 7.2. Could it be correct that the value is this much higher or is it something that happens in the interpolation process?
  9. Haha, nice! I understand
  10. Hi, I have problems when adding consumption data. I add in 12,9% for february and 12,67% for march and everything looks ok. But it still looks like consumption is higher in march. Any tips for what I should be checking?
  11. Hello, I have added solar tiles to a sketched mounting surface. They are the colour black, and will be surrounded by tiles or different materials. Is there any way I could change the texture of the surface to something different so it would look more esthetical nice? (see image) Thanks for all the help
  12. Awesome Jimmy! Thank you very much Have a nice day!
  13. Sondre207

    String order

    Hi, Is there any way that I can get the string number to match the red line below? When I choose different sorting options, it seems like it is not possible? Could I choose them manually for example? Thanks in advance!
  14. Thank you very much!
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