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  1. Hello, I haven't been working with the program PV Sol for that long, so please tell me what the power compensation points and the consumption of your own energy mean, because I did not find the answer to https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2021/en/
  2. Thank you for the reply.
  3. Hello, I haven't been working with the program PV Sol for that long, so I have doubts in connection with the fact that, I have situations when the customer uses 9000 kWh / year, and wants to establish PV installations with a power of 50 kWp, and sell the rest, please tell me what me need to choose in PV Sol so that the program calculates the profit from the power supply to the network.
  4. Hello, please tell me, can i save the design house in 3D version without connectedness of modules, or in general without modules?
  5. Alex11

    Own consumption

    Thanks for the answer. Yours sincerely, Alex.
  6. Alex11

    Own consumption

    Hello, I am a new user with this software and I'm wondering how can I change the auto-consumption with the resulting energy usage?
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