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  1. Hi Martin, thanks for the quick reply. OK maybe I was mistaken. I thought it was also displayed on the create new climate data page. Thanks!
  2. Hi, with the latest revision (R4) I have noticed that when I try to create a new weather location using the ZIP code search (PLZ), I no longer have an indication of weather stations with available weather data in the region as I previously had in R3. Is this intentional?
  3. MarcA

    Keeps crashing

    Hi Martin, To answer your question, the crashes happen most often during an autosave process (at any point throughout the simulation process), or else when I try a manual save after the inverter connections are done. I think the GPU might be my problem as I am running from a laptop with an intel uhd graphics 620 which isn't exactly high performance hardware. My next step is to run it on a PC with a half decent GPU and see if I can do it without problems. I'll keep you updated. Regards -Marc
  4. MarcA

    Keeps crashing

    Hi Martin, That won't be necessary, thanks. We generally simulate large solar installations (in the order of megawatts) which means we will continue to hit our head on this ceiling. Are there future plans to increase the capacity of PV*SOL so that it can comfortably accommodate and process larger installations? Regards Marc
  5. MarcA

    Keeps crashing

    Hi Martin, Yes I did send a crash report. No idea what the reference number was - is there a way to find it after it was sent? Regards Marc
  6. MarcA

    Keeps crashing

    I have an ongoing problem with PV Sol crashing. For example, I am currently designing a setup with 7440 solar modules in the 3D simulator, and while the autosave is being performed, the program hangs/crashes. This happens on almost every project I work with, most often at some point after I perform the shadow calculations. I have tried running the software on a different PC but I have the same result. I am using Windows 10 Pro, 8Gb RAM, PV*SOL premium 2020 (R10). Is there a way to fix this problem other than simply disabling the autosave feature? Thanks.
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