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  1. Hey, since a few days I have a problem with the results shown in PV-Sol Premium. Normally there were shown the production forecast, use of PV-Energy and Coverage of Consumption in a diagramm including the load profile (file: diagram OLD). These diagramms aren't shown any more, instead there is a diagram forecast with consumption, thats all. (file: diagram NEW) I checked all the settings, but I don't know why the results aren't shown. I use PV-Sol since several years and I never had problems like that. perhaps somebody can help me out... BR
  2. Dominik

    CO2 Emission

    Hallo Marcel, kannst du mir erklären, wie der Standardwert von 600 g/kWh zustande kommt? Würde man die BDEW-Daten von 2018 heranziehen, käme man ja auf einen Wert von 435 g/kWh, oder gibt es da meinerseits einen Denkfehler? Gruß, Dominik
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