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  1. Ralph

    P98 report

    Dear PV-sol, One of our clients would like to receive a PV-sol report with a P98-yield in it. Is there way to print a PV-sol summary with the p98 information in it? Many thanks. Ralph
  2. Thanks again Martin. I'll get in touch with your colleaugues at database@valentin-software.com.
  3. Hello PV-sol, 1. For a new projects we're looking at using 'newer' modules like the Trina PD05-275Wp and the GCL 275Wp poly. For the Trina-PD05-modules there are currently entries up to 270Wp. Is it possible for you to add the 275Wp-version? A datasheet is attached. For GCL recently two modules are in the PV-sol-database, a 270Wp and a 275Wp-module, somewhat oddly both named "PV*sol". I think a mistake has been made with the data-entry, as it seems the values at NOCT instead of values at STC have been submitted. Is it possible for Valentin to add the correct 275Wp-version? A datasheet is attached. 2. For both modules above I've attached a PV-sol-project with my own entry based on information on the datasheet. Values for part load characteristics are not available on the datasheet. When having no values for part load characteristics the calculated result for a project seems to have a lower production than other modules in the PV-sol-database. (perhaps with the correct low-irradiance behaviour-data from the Manufacturer?) How does Valentim acquire this 'part load characteristics'-information? Is this information Valetin receives directly from manufacturer? Or should I as user acquire this information from the manufacturer and send it to Valentim? Hope to hear from you soon. many thanks. Greetings, Ralph van Leeuwen Datablad Trina_TSM275PD05.pdf EN-P6-60 275W35mm840pieces - Vietnam.pdf Trina 275PD05.pvprj GCL275Wp.pvprj
  4. Thank you Martin!
  5. Hello PV-sol, For a new project a have to acquire values for p50 and p90. I've found this already: If I understand correctly, there should be a way to access a "Bankability: Exceedance probability of forecast yield" dialog from the financial analysis page. However on the financial analysis-page of my PV-sol 2018 PRO(screenshot attached) I see no way to enter the bankability dialog box. I am missing something? Hope to hear from you soon. Many thanks. Greetings, Ralph van Leeuwen
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